Create Micro React App

Create a microfrontend architecture as simple as CRA.

Core concepts

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Divide and conquer

CMRA simplifies how you construct your microfrontend architechture

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As simple as Create React App

A full set of features on one tool, helping you concerning about what metters

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Microfrontend development easy

Hot reload, environment simulation, intuitive and much more.

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Communication out of the box

Share state and interact with another microfrontend

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Command line

Create. build. ship.

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How it works

Create your app

<Store />
, document.getElementById('root'));

Create your microfrontend

const Cart = () => <div>cart</div>;
ExportMicrofrontend({ view: Cart });

Use it

const Store = ({
microfrontend: { view: Cart }
}) => (
<div>your cart: <Cart /></div>
export default withMicrofrontend(
{ microfrontendKey: 'cart' }

[object Object]

Command line


npx @cmra/cli create my-app
Helps you on your decisions.


npx @cmra/cli start
Facilitate your development life


npx @cmra/cli build
Safe and reliable


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Be aware

Get control of what microfrontend versions are deployed

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Be safe

Deploy multiple microfrontends combination, create beta versions and make sure everything is right

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Be whatever you wanna be

Integrate with multiple platforms such as github or amazon s3